For many students Maths is about Facts, Figures and Formulas.
The Mathematicalendar puts the missing "F", Fun, back in!
It will change the way you think about Mathematics!
It turns the date into patterns, equations and puzzles that link the day, month and year together. And you can create your own as well. The picture pages show Maths at work in different, often surprising, situations in the real world. It's fun, creative and connected
Mathematics is everywhere, after all! It’s all about patterns that appear in our daily lives, in nature, and in our built environment. That’s the simple beauty of Mathematics – often unnoticed, but there anyway!
The Mathematicalendar will help Maths become part of your daily routine, and assist you on your journey into the wonderful Language of your Universe.
Maths is the Language of the Universe
- Galileo
The Mathematicalendar helps to see Maths that way!
Everyone can use the Mathematicalendar to brighten their day:
Children and students of all ages - Primary and High School, to become proficient
with the FUNdamentals. -
Parents, to help re-learn what they might've forgotten, so they can help their children.
Teachers, to use as lesson starters, or to build lessons around.
Lovers of numbers everywhere, for a little entertainment each day.
About the Creator
The Mathematicalendar is the creation of Paul Bowyer, a Maths teacher and Mobile Mathematician and based in Sydney, Australia.
After a career in the IT industry, Paul started teaching Maths in 2014. He uses innovative teaching techniques to connect Mathematics to the world around us.
He presents at conferences and does school visits.
He also does online tutoring from Year 3 - Year 12.
Tailored Calendars for Schools
You can have The Mathematicalendar tailored for your school – a great way to help build the numeracy of the whole school community!
You can include:
Your school crest, website and motto on the cover
Colour scheme using your school colours
Photos of your students, conveying Mathematical ideas
A personalised message from your Principal or Executive
A4 or A3 sizes available